Ultra High Vacuum System Restoration and Percent Oxygen Curve Fitting for Polarized Xenon MRI Scan Data
Research Overview: Restored an outdated Ultra-High Vacuum system using detailed documentation for each pump component. Successfully achieved an ultimate vacuum pressure of 10^-8 mbar with valves open up to the turbomolecular pump, showcasing precision, control, and system expertise.
My Role: Project Intern
- Leveraged Documentation
- Individual Pump Manuals
- User's Guide to Ultra High Vacuum Systems
- Company Correspondence
- Technical Meetings with Respective Pump Companies' Engineering Teams
- Turbomolecular Pump
- Diaphragm/Roughing Pump
- Ion Getter Pump
- Residual Gas Analyzer
- Restored Antiquated UHV System (10^-8 mbar)
- Final Project Report
Key Outcomes:
Presented Project Report to Laboratory Conference Session
Successfully restored an ultra high vacuum system that last ran in 1992.
Reached an ultimate pressure on the order of 10^-8 mbar
Project Summary Report
A brief summary of the different pump system components, their principle mechanisms, and ultimate pressure ranges. It also connects this project to applications with a study regarding polarized Xenon inhalation for improved MRI imaging signals that returns 3D spatial lung damage data correlating to PO2 levels..